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 I want to begin by saying that I went back and forth in my mind a million times whether or not I was going to write this blog. I've had friends mad at me, people called me crazy, I've been kicked off Facebook countless times, restricted on other social media sites, and so much more. But hey, I can't make this shit up, OK!   


    So, I can start in a million and one chapters of the crazy shit that is happening around us. I actually don't even know where to start and anyone who knows me on a personal level, knows I love to talk so it's pretty odd that I don't even know where to begin. I love to research and read about different things and events or ideas. Learning new things is just amazing to me. My brain has a thirst for knowledge that is unexplainable. I can tell you that I've researched the main idea of everything that's happening around me since I was about 14 years old. I am now 39. So, I have a little bit of knowledge on this particular subject. Let's just say a rapper, named 2-Pac, is the reason for this particular thirst and eagerness for the knowing. 

    I'm going to try and stay on a good timeline of how this all unplayed in my thoughts so it can make as much sense as possible to you. I get so excited when I talk about The Great Awakening and all that it has to showcase to the world. It goes way deeper than an election for sure. Mainstream media only wants you to see the election because there is so much more behind the scenes of this movie play that we are watching. For the ones who are already awake, please feel free to email me or contact me with any information I may have wrong or any new information you may have to add. I'm all ears and I'll even leave this blog open to comments. Nothing I hear or see surprises me anymore so whatever it is you got, let me get it. LOL! 


        So for most of us, things started to seem a bit fishy when all of a sudden Covid 19 came out of nowhere and the entire world shut down all at once right? I mean has that ever happened at all in the entire existence of man? Not that I am aware of. Sure, we fight viruses all the time, right? Why shut the entire world down? Because it supposedly so deadly that it was dropping people like flies right? WRONG! And by saying this my friends, is why I started to lose friends. I'm from a small town in South Louisiana, where everybody knows everybody. At first, when they started with the Covid lockdown I must admit I was a little afraid. I was a front line worker at a busy convenience store and I have a small child who was born with asthma. I can assure you that it did not take me long to catch on to the crap being thrown at us about the Covid 19 virus. First, let me start by saying that I do not doubt that Covid 19 exist, Ok. But it does not take rocket science to figure out that it is not as DEADLY as the CDC and WHO made it out to be. I remember learning of the HIV virus when I was in high school and one thing that stuck in my head that stood out like a sore thumb was the fact that they made this virus out to be hella potent. They were telling us to stand six feet apart, to wear a mask, then wash your hands a lot, and so on. They even went as far as stating that the virus lived on surfaces and even cord board boxes for up to 48 hours. Wow!!! This is where I began to question things. From the beginning because I can remember learning that a virus dies when it hits oxygen and that it could only be transmitted through bodily fluids. So you mean to tell me that thousands of people are walking around sneezing, coughing, and snotting on each other. Spreading this virus by the hundreds, daily! Come on man, get real. People are nasty but I'd like to believe that we have more clean people than straight funky people ok. Then I started to think about it. In my small town there were cases daily, large numbers of cases, but WHO? Who were these positive cases and who were the deaths that were happening all around me? I never wore a mask at work, and I worked at a store where the same hundred people came in three times a day for a pack of smokes a gar to roll their weed. Why am I not catching this so-called deadly virus quickly, The amount of alcohol that the store sold during Covid lockdown was enough to throw five parties for the entire town? All drinks being free. OK, so we have all pretty much established that covid ain't shit like they said it was. Well, most of us anyway. So, let me not bore you with what you already know, and let's get into the juicy shit. HA! 

Now before this gets really insane let me start by saying this blog is not to pick on anyone who doesn’t believe Covid is a hoax but let me just say that I followed the live death meter in the United States of America the entire Covid show and I continue to follow the statistics and there THERE WERE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS WHO DIED IN the UNITED STATES FROM COVID. Now be mindful of your trusted sources my people because right now you should be questioning everything and everyone around you.  BELIEVE NOTHING  YOU HEAR AND ONLY HALF OF WHAT YOU SEE BECAUSE ITS HARDLY EVER WHAT IT SEEMS TO BE!!  Don't forget I told you that.  There were no deaths from covid people!!! Just wait it gets way better!!! The death rate is only up by a little over 1%. 

united sates death rate - Bing

This is just the beginning! Let me take a break and figure out where to swerve off to next!!


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